Use "see things in perspective|see thing in perspective" in a sentence

1. We can now see things in their true perspective.

2. Aspecto See it from my perspective

3. Remember to keep things in perspective.

4. But let's keep this thing in perspective.

5. He sees things in their right perspective.

6. Perspective is a very powerful thing.

7. To see why these images are not true perspective Anamorphoses, see the description of foreshortening

8. But to see it from this perspective is to distort it.

9. But you can also see Jehovah’s organization from a different perspective.

10. I let things get out of perspective.

11. This will help the householder to see matters from a fresh perspective.

12. Travel and see the world; afterwards, you will be able to put your concerns in perspective.

13. I can see disregarding perspective to achieve an effect, but I believe...

14. One thing I would love to see from Kiritos perspective as Asuna over kills her with Brashnesses and Kirito loves it

15. You have to keep things in perspective and keep your goals in mind.

16. You must keep things in perspective - the overall situation isn't really that bad.

17. As demands crowd in on you it becomes increasingly difficult to keep things in perspective.

18. Viewing things from one extreme perspective to another, anguish, jealous, witless were packed in between.

19. She just keeps it in perspective.

20. We see it in its extreme in cases of war, where the out-group isn't merely given less, but dehumanized, as in the Nazi perspective of Jews as vermin or lice, or the American perspective of Japanese as rats.

21. Munro-bagging should be kept in perspective, too, and the autumn semi-moratorium is no bad thing.

22. Bateaux gives you a whole new perspective of the city as you'll see views that are awe-inspiring

23. We must put those numbers in perspective.

24. Try to keep these issues in perspective.

25. Secondly, from the Chinese perspective they see the BCIM corridor as a construct of Belt and Road Initiative.

26. Adjust Photograph Perspective

27. The overall effect of this encounter was dramatic, because it was reassuring and put things in perspective.

28. Well, whatever it is, meditation offers the opportunity, the potential to step back and to get a different perspective, to see that things aren't always as they appear.

29. T1 - Beclouded Work, Beclouded Workers in Historical Perspective

30. to address the gender perspective in their operations.

31. Keep the business of weight control in perspective.

32. The student life is very important - in perspective.

33. Now just to give you some perspective, I'm going to zoom out so you really see what you get.

34. No perspective, no perception. New perspective, new perception. Toba Beta 

35. Manga (meaning random drawings) included studies in perspective.

36. Personally I've tried to keep that in perspective.

37. We learnt how to draw buildings in perspective.

38. By putting things in their proper perspective, you will find it easier to love and appreciate your brothers.

39. 27 Why should differential vertical perspective cues be more effective than differential horizontal perspective cues in scaling depth and size?

40. For perspective, Blink Charging …

41. The perspective then shifts to Ratonhnhaké:ton's childhood in 1760.

42. Nothing at all out of the ordinary. Small communities get things out of perspective.

43. These developmental changes in perspective and technique were deliberate.

44. Conventions in Accounting from the Perspective of John Searle

45. As adjectives the difference between perspective and Axonometric is that perspective is of, in or relating to perspective while Axonometric is (technical drawing) describing a projection in which the horizontal and vertical axes are to the same scale, but the third axis is reduced to allow for perspective

46. You see, there's this thing in the sky.

47. You have lost perspective, Cuddy.

48. Remembering Slave Trade Abolitions: Reflections on 2007 in International Perspective

49. In his book he presents a multifaceted perspective of integrity.

50. His paintings prefigure the development of perspective in Renaissance art.

51. Any time perspective in excess has more negatives than positives.

52. His perspective is therefore utilitarian. in a t road sense.

53. Two point perspective Two point perspective is based on our ready response to the right angle.

54. This post is a lightweight, high-level summary of Aorists in Sanskrit, both from a historical linguistic perspective and a traditional Paninian perspective

55. What helps to keep family relationships in their proper perspective?

56. In 15th-century Italy, artists rediscovered the rules of perspective.

57. 14 These developmental changes in perspective and technique were deliberate.

58. In an international perspective, what is proposed looks curiously hybrid.

59. To put it in perspective, 2005 was the previous record.

60. Bioethics from a Christian Perspective

61. T2 - An Aristotelean-thomistic perspective

62. He sighed(, trying to keep it all in perspective.

63. The techniques sometimes appeared together in ukiyo-e works, geometrical perspective providing an illusion of depth in the background and the more expressive Chinese perspective in the fore.

64. Sum to fifteen is just tic- tac- toe, but on a different perspective, using a different perspective.

65. I want to show you this game in a different perspective.

66. Despite this, the problems of retirement should be kept in perspective.

67. These statistics should, on the other hand, be kept in perspective.

68. I'll see to it first thing in the morning.

69. But I told our guys to keep it all in perspective.

70. 2 Our work in Uganda and Romania adds a wider perspective.

71. The book adopts a historical perspective.

72. Perspective: sense of distance between elements.

73. •Biopsychology •Evolution from a psychological perspective

74. Performing Aboriginalities: a cross-cultural perspective

75. You know, that's just your perspective.

76. She has drawn a good perspective.

77. He writes from a Marxist perspective.

78. The perspective is very musically judged.

79. The Realist perspective remains broadly the one described in this chapter.

80. Self - knowledge in this case a perspective on the entire triad.